IN-N-OUT Burger Hours of Operation and Holiday Hours

IN-N-OUT Burger

📍 224 Locations in 13 States


👍 ★★★★★ 4.2

In-N-Out Burger Hours

When does In-N-Out Burger open and close on Saturday? When does In-N-Out Burger open and close on Friday? When does In-N-Out Burger open and close on Independence Day? Is In-N-Out Burger open on Christmas Day? Check out the answers at In-N-Out Burger Hours

In-N-Out Burger Holiday Hours

Wanna know the opening and closing status of In-N-Out Burger on holidays? Check out the following list.

IN-N-OUT Burger Are Open on:

New Year's Day - 01/01/2024 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (MLK Day) - 01/15/2024
Valentine's Day - 02/14/2024 Presidents Day - 02/19/2024
Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday - 02/13/2024 St. Patrick's Day - 03/17/2024
Good Friday - 03/29/2024 Easter Monday - 04/10/2024
Cinco de Mayo - 05/05/2024 Mother's Day - 05/12/2024
Memorial Day - 05/27/2024 Father's Day - 06/16/2024
Independence Day (4th of July) - 07/04/2024 Labor Day - 09/02/2024
Columbus Day - 10/14/2024 Halloween - 10/31/2024
Veterans Day - 11/11/2024 Black Friday - 11/29/2024
Christmas Eve - 12/24/2024 Day After Christmas (Dec. 26) - 12/26/2024
New Year's Eve - 12/31/2024

IN-N-OUT Burger Are Closed on:

Easter Sunday - 03/31/2024 Thanksgiving Day - 11/23/2024
Christmas Day - 12/25/2024

Attention: For specific opening and closing time of each In-N-Out Burger location each day and even on holidays, please contact each In-N-Out Burger or check each In-N-Out Burger information (The following In-N-Out Burger Location will tell you how to locate an In-N-Out Burger and find its information).

In-N-Out Burger Regular Open Hours

Most In-N-Out Burger locations will be open during the following hours.

In-N-Out Burger Regular Open Hours

Monday 10:30 am - 1:00 am
Tuesday 10:30 am - 1:00 am
Wednesday 10:30 am - 1:00 am
Thursday 10:30 am - 1:00 am
Friday 10:30 am - 1:30 am
Saturday 10:30 am - 1:30 am
Sunday 10:30 am - 1:00 am

In-N-Out Burger Locations

Where is the In-N-Out Burger in Ephrata, Washington? Where is the In-N-Out Burger in Marietta, Georgia? Where is the In-N-Out Burger near me? Sometimes people find themselves have to ask these kinds of questions. Wanna know the answers? Find out at In-N-Out Burger Locations

The following list will give you a clue about how to locate an In-N-Out Burger store:

1. Browse By Category: Find "Restaurant" section listed at the left top of Hours Guide homepage, click on it, locate In-N-Out Burger, click on it to land on State page, browse by your state and city, then a list of In-N-Out Burger stores in that city will come out, together with their specific addresses, phone numbers and open hours.

2. Browse By Logo: Find In-N-Out Burger logo among all those famous logos listed in the middle of Hours Guide homepage, click on the logo, browse by your state and city, then choose the In-N-Out Burger store near you among all those that appear. You can also find the specific addresses, phone numbers and open hours there.

3. In-N-Out Burger Store Locator: Go to In-N-Out Burger official website,, find "Location Finder" listed at the bottom of In-N-Out Burger homepage, click on "Location Finder", enter your city, state or Zip Code in the search box, then several In-N-Out Burger stores will come out. The information including specific address, open hours, employment, customer service, phone number and mail address is all listed.

4. Google Map: Google Map will give you not only the specific address, but also the store phone number, open hours and customer reviews.

In-N-Out Burger Menu And Price

Lost at finding In-N-Out Burger menu and price? Check out at In-N-Out Burger Menu, and it will give you a clear picture of In-N-Out Burger menu and price.

In-N-Out Burger Secret Menu: In-N-Out Burger secret menu mainly includes Protein-Style Burger, Animal-Style Fries, 4x4 Burger, 3x3 Burger, Animal-Style Burger, Flying Dutchman.

In-N-Out Burger Merchandise

Official Website:

Products: In-N-Out Burger Company store mainly provides products like T-shirts for adults, youth, apparel for men, women and children, outwear, hats and accessories, etc. Come to find what you need here.

In-N-Out Burger Contact Information

Official Website:

Email: Fill in an electronic form to email In-N-Out Burger about your questions or experience.

Phone: Call toll-free at 1-800-786-1000 Sunday - Thursday: 8:00 am - 1:00 am Friday - Saturday: 8:00 am - 1:30 am