Church's Chicken Hours of Operation and Holiday Hours

Church's Chicken

📍 1,312 Location in 31 State


👍 ★★★★★ 4.7

Church's Chicken Hours

What is the opening and closing time of Church's Chicken on Saturday or Sunday? When does Church's Chicken close on Sunday? Wanna know the answers? Check it out at Church's Chicken Hours

Church's Chicken Holiday Hours

Will Church's Chicken open on Labor Day? Will Church's Chicken open on New Year's Day? Will Church's Chicken open on Christmas Eve? Find the answers to the questions at the following list.

Church's Chicken Are Open on:

New Year's Day - 01/01/2024 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (MLK Day) - 01/15/2024
Valentine's Day - 02/14/2024 Presidents Day - 02/19/2024
Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday - 02/13/2024 St. Patrick's Day - 03/17/2024
Good Friday - 03/29/2024 Easter Monday - 04/10/2024
Cinco de Mayo - 05/05/2024 Mother's Day - 05/12/2024
Memorial Day - 05/27/2024 Father's Day - 06/16/2024
Independence Day (4th of July) - 07/04/2024 Labor Day - 09/02/2024
Columbus Day - 10/14/2024 Halloween - 10/31/2024
Veterans Day - 11/11/2024 Black Friday - 11/29/2024
Christmas Eve - 12/24/2024 Day After Christmas (Dec. 26) - 12/26/2024
New Year's Eve - 12/31/2024

Church's Chicken Are Closed on:

Easter Sunday - 03/31/2024 Thanksgiving Day - 11/23/2024
Christmas Day - 12/25/2024

Attention: Some Church's Chicken restaurants may open late and close early on holidays, so for specific opening and closing time, please contact each Church's Chicken.

Church's Chicken Regular Open Hours

Most Church's Chicken restaurants will be open during the following hours. But for specific operation hours of your local Church's Chicken, please contact your local Church's Chicken restaurant or check on its information listed at Church's Chicken official website.

Church's Chicken Regular Open Hours

Monday 10:30 am - 10:00 pm
Tuesday 10:30 am - 10:00 pm
Wednesday 10:30 am - 10:00 pm
Thursday 10:30 am - 10:00 pm
Friday 10:30 am - 10:00 pm
Saturday 10:30 am - 10:00 pm
Sunday 10:30 am - 10:00 pm

Church's Chicken Locations

Where is Church's Chicken in New York? Where is Church's Chicken in Pennsylvania? Where is Church's Chicken in Georgia? Most frequently, many people would ask where is Church's Chicken near me? Check all those out at Church's Chicken Locations

Also, the following list will offer you some ways to locate a Church's Chicken restaurant:

1. Search By Category: Find 'Restaurant' listed at the left top of Hours Guide homepage, click on it, find Church's Chicken among all the restaurants brands, browse by your state and city, then all the Church's Chicken locations that match the condition will come out, along with their phone numbers, open hours, and specific addresses.

2. Church's Chicken Store Locator: Go to Church's Chicken official website,, at the bottom listed 'Find Your Church's', click on it, enter your location in the search box, then a list of Church's Chicken will come out, together with their specific addresses, phone numbers and coupons.

3. Google Map: Google Map is quite a convenient tool in finding the nearby Church's Chicken for us.

4. Church's Chicken App: Download a Church's Chicken app on your phone, besides finding coupons and exclusive mobile offers, the app will also tell you how to locate a Church's Chicken chain near you.

Church's Chicken Menu And Price

What does Church's Chicken menu consist of? And how much does it normally cost me to eat at Church's Chicken? Find out the details at Church's Chicken Menu

Basically Church's Chicken menu consists of original chicken, spicy chicken, boneless wings, tender strips, big tex tender sandwich, original chicken sandwich, double chicken cheese, honey-butter biscuits, mashed potatoes, fries, baked macaroni and cheese, jalapeno peppers, jalapeno cheese bombers, cole slaw, corn, fried okra, apple pie, creamy jalapeno, honey BBQ, honey mustard, ranch, etc.

Church's Chicken Deals And Coupons

Church's Chicken App Coupons And Deals: Church's Chicken App will deliver some coupons and mobile deals as the App owner advantage.

Store Coupons: When you find a Church's Chicken location by store locator at Church's Chicken official website, you will notice the coupon information below the store information.

Email Deals: Sign up for Church's Chicken and all the deals from your local Church's Chicken will be sent directly to your email to help you eat cheaply.

Church's Chicken Contact Information

Official Website:

Phone Number: 1-866-345-6788

Mail Address: Church's Global Restaurant Support Center980 Hammond Drive, Suite 1100, Atlanta, Georgia 30328

Email: Fill in an electronic feedback form to email your eating experience or your problems.

Social Media: Reach out with Church's Chicken through social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.