Bank of America (BofA) Hours of Operation and Holiday Hours

Bank of America (BofA)

📍 13,507 Locations in 39 States


👍 ★★★★★ 4

Bank of America Hours

When does Bank of America close on Saturday or Friday? Is Bank of America open on Sunday? Is Bank of America open on Labor Day? Is Bank of America open on Memorial Day? Is Bank of America open on Christmas? See: Bank of America Hours

Bank of America Holiday Hours

Wanna find out whether Bank of America will be open on what holidays? The following list will give you a clue.

Bank of America (BofA) Are Open on:

Valentine's Day - 02/14/2024 Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday - 02/13/2024
St. Patrick's Day - 03/17/2024 Good Friday - 03/29/2024
Easter Monday - 04/10/2024 Tax Day - 04/18/2024
Cinco de Mayo - 05/05/2024 Mother's Day - 05/12/2024
Father's Day - 06/16/2024 Halloween - 10/31/2024
Black Friday - 11/29/2024 Cyber Monday - 12/02/2024
Christmas Eve - 12/24/2024 Day After Christmas - 12/26/2024
New Year's Eve - 12/31/2024

Bank of America (BofA) Are Closed on:

New Year's Day - 01/01/2024 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - 01/15/2024
President's Day - 02/19/2024 Easter Sunday - 03/31/2024
Memorial Day - 05/27/2024 Independence Day - 07/04/2024
Labor Day - 09/02/2024 Columbus Day - 10/14/2024
Veterans Day - 11/11/2024 Thanksgiving Day - 11/23/2024
Christmas Day - 12/25/2024

Attention: For specific opening and closing time of each Bank of America location, please check on each Bank of America information listed at Bank of America official website.

Bank of America Regular Open Hours

Most Bank of America locations will be open during the following hours, but still, hours may change due to different locations. For specific open hours of each Bank of America, please check for each Bank of America information listed on Bank of America official website.

Bank of America Regular Open Hours

Monday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday closed

Bank of America Locations

Where is Bank of America branch in Kentucky? Where is Bank of America branch in Hawaii? Most importantly of all, where is the Bank of America branch near me? See: Bank of America Locations

The following will teach you how to locate a Bank of America:

1. Search By Category: Find "Banks" category listed at the left top of Hours Guide homepage, click on the Banks, Find Bank of America, click on it, browse by your state and city, then choose the Bank of America near you among all those that appear, along with their phone numbers and open hours.

2. Search By Logo: Find Bank of America logo among all the popular brand logos, click on the logo, browse by your state and city, then a list of Bank of America branches will come out, along with their phone numbers and open hours.

3. Bank of America Store Locator: Go to Bank of America official website,, find "Locations" section at the top of the homepage, click on it, enter address, Zip code or landmark at the search box. The results will give you several Bank of America financial centers and ATMS, together with their specific addresses, open hours, and services. Choose one that suits you most.

4. Google Map: Google map is always a good alternative to help us find a Bank of America near us.

5. Bank of America App: With Bank of America app on your phone, you can do online banking, and also it can tell you the Bank of America near you.

Most Asked Questions about Bank of America

Most people have some or many questions about Bank of America; here we concluded some most asked questions about Bank of America.

What time does Bank of America open and close on Saturday/Sunday? When does Bank of America open on Saturday/Sunday? Are there any special programs for first-time home buyers?

How can I pay my mortgage online? How do I apply for an auto loan? How can I find my ABA routing number? Who should I call if I have a general banking question?

For answers to these questions, Bank of America official website may give you some clues. Or you may contact Bank of America through the following ways we offer you.

Bank of America Contact Information

Phone: Go to "Contact Us" section at the right top of Bank of America official website, choose your state of residence and your question type, then the corresponding phone number will come out. For example, General Servicing Questions about Small Business Banking, call at 888-287-4637; Online Banking Support, call at 866-758-5972; Credit Card Customer Service, call at 800-732-9194; etc.

Email: Sign in Bank of America to send a secure email to the customer service center and they will get back to you ASAP.

Social Media: Connect with Bank of America on Twitter and Facebook, write down your questions or comments, and their representatives will get back to you. Available Time. Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm, Saturday: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm